Dungeons and Dragons Adventure
The Hoard House is a tabletop roleplaying game adventure I designed and wrote for Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition which I published on the Dungeon Master’s Guild. The adventure takes the players through an old manor that, through the kobold owner’s extensive hoarding, has been turned into a literal labyrinth of junk full of traps but potentially great riches.
Written for 1st level players in mind, this adventure was a labor of love, and, being the first RPG book I’ve ever done, it was a crash course for me. At this point, being a Dungeon Master for several years, I had pages upon pages of notes on sessions and adventures, but I never had experience making anything in this kind of fleshed-out format before. It was a journey of blood, sweat, and tears that, in the end, I am forever grateful for.